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This tutorial is a very basic overview of FrontPage Express. FrontPage Express is a HyperText Markup Language (HTML) Editor. With it, you can create and post personal or departmental webpages on the Internet. This purpose of this tutorial is to help you learn how to use FrontPage Express and, with additional tutorials, create a website. This is by no means a comprehensive tutorial. However, we will provide you with enough information to create informational and attractive webpages.

FrontPage Express is very similar to Word97.

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(Your tool bar may be arranged different or have some components missing. You can fix this by choosing View from the menu bar and selecting all toolbars.)



Entering text into a webpage is much like entering text into a word processor. Simply type the text you want to appear and then use the following steps to spice it up.

The text on your webpage doesn't have to all be in paragraph blocks. You do something:

  1. Press ENTER after typing in the last item of the sub-list.
  2. Either press BACKSPACE twice, or click the Decrease Indent Icon twice.

FrontPage Express allows you to make all the same attribute changes you can make in Word97. The first step in changing text attributes is to highlight the text you want to modify with the mouse. You can then make the following changes:

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You can insert images (*.gif, *.jpg, *.bmp) into your webpage. Keep in mind that you need to keep your images realitively small in size, otherwise, your pages will take a long time to download.

To insert an image, put your cursor where you want to place the image and then:

  1. Select the Insert Image icon from the toolbar. (labeled above in fushia)
  2. The Image Dialog Box appears. Click the Browse Button.
  3. Find and select the image you wish to insert and click OK.

The image should appear on the webpage. After you have placed the image on the webpage, you can change the attributes of the image by right clicking on the image and choosing Image Properties.

The Image Properties Dialog Box appears. Choose the Appearance Tab.

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The Alignment property allows you to set how the image is aligned vertically in respect to the line of text it is embedded in. For example: (
labeled above in red)

Bottom Align

Middle Align

Top Align




You can also align the image horizontally:

Left Align

Here is an example of an image that is left aligned. The text wraps around the image, which is align to the left.

Right Align

Here is an example of an image that is right aligned. The text wraps around the image, which is align to the right.

When you insert an image in text, the image appears where the cursor is when you click the Insert Image Icon. When you either right or left align an image in a line of text, the image defaults to 'top align' in the line you inserted the image. You also horizontally align the image using the Alignment Icons (labeled above in purple) on the toolbar. However, you can't center the image in a line of text, only left and right will work. If you have an image not embedded in text, you can horizontally align it left, right, and center. This can be accomplished by using either the Image Properties Dialog Box or the Alignment Icons on the toolbar.

left align

center align

right align

Vertical and Horizontal Spacing
When you embed an image in some text, you may or may not want the text to be wrapping tightly around the image. To change how much space is left along the top and bottom or along the sides, change the Vertical and Horizontal Spacing properties. The spacing is measured in pixels. (
labeled above in orange and blue)

Vertical Spacing

Text with a vertical spacing of 0 pixels:

This is packed together pretty tight.

Text with a vertical spacing of 10 pixels:

This is spaced quite a bit.

Horizontal Spacing

Text with a horizontal spacing of 0 pixels:The image and text are pretty tight.

Text with a horizontal spacing of 15 pixels:The image and text are now spaced.

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Links create a connection between more than one of your pages. Links also can connect your page to other pages across the World Wide Web.

To link to a webpage other than your own, determine where you want to link to (For example, you might want the viewer to click on the words "CNN News" and have them sent to To do this, first highlight the text, picture, or both, that you want to be linked (in this case, we would highlight the words "CNN News"). Next click the Create or Edit Hyperlink Icon on the toolbar. (labeled above in green)

The Create Hyperlink Dialog Box should appear, as below. Choose the World Wide Web tab. Then make sure the Hyperlink Type List Box is set to "http:" on the Hyperlink Type List Box. Lastly, on the line titled URL type the address of the webpage. In this case we would type out Click the OK and presto you have just created a link that should look and work something like this link: CNN News.

To link your own pages together, you first need to determine how the pages are to be connected. For example, you may want the viewer to click on the word "Hobbies", and have it go to a separate page of yours. To do this, follow the same directions as above: highlight the text and click the Create or Edit Hyperlink Icon on the toolbar (labeled above in green).

The Create Hyperlink Dialog Box should appear, as below. Choose the World Wide Web tab. Next, select "(other)" for the Hyperlink Type:. On the URL line type the name of your other page. In this case we would type "hobbies.htm". Once that is done you can click the OK and you will have created a link to another one of your pages.

You may want to include an e-mail link for your page. This will enable the viewers to click on your name and an e-mail program will automatically start with your e-mail address already in the send to line. To do this, you first need to highlight the text you want to link to your e-mail, which for the most part, will probably be your name. Like before you now need to click the Create or Edit Hyperlink Icon on the toolbar. (labeled above in green)

The Create Hyperlink Dialog Box should appear, as below. Choose the World Wide Web tab. Make sure the Hyperlink Type is set to "mailto:" on the Hyperlink Type List Box. On the line titled URL type the actual e-mail address. If the e-mail address, for example, was, we would type out "". Now click the OK and you have just created a link for your e-mail.

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