Visit http://vowe.net/archives/001639.html and download the free and
available Xteq X-Setup 6.1 utility. You can then join domains with
WinXP Home
1. Log into XP Home using a local computer account that does not have a
2. Open My Computer, click the Tools menu, then click Map Network Drive.
3. Select a folder on your network by clicking on the Browse button.
4. After selecting the folder, click on the different user name link on
5. In the Connect As dialog box, for user name enter domainx\user
domainx is the domain you want to connect to).
6. Enter your domain user password and then click OK.
7. Check the Reconnect at login box and press Finish.
8. Now when you start up the computer go to My Computer and double
click on the
networked drive. This will cause XP to send the credentials to the
Domain and
allows you to access the drive.
9. Now you can access files and folders throughout the domain without
having to
your user name and password.
Windows XP Home cannot join a
domain, or
can it?
Volker Weber
Normally, Windows XP Home Edition cannot join network domains, simply peer-to-peer workgroups. However, there is a fix which can solve the problem and allow WinXP Home Edition to join a domain. Microsoft wanted to cripple Windows XP Home Edition so that it could not be used on domains, which would force many to upgrade to the more expensive Windows XP Professional Edition simply to join a network domain. However, it -is- possible to get on a domain using Windows XP Home Edition.
This can also be accomplished with the free and widely available Xteq X-Setup 6.1 by navigating to the "Network \ Auto Login \ Windows NT/2K/XP \ Settings" option within X-Setup. Simply enter the appropriate information and click "Apply Changes" - upon your next reboot, you can then join domains with WinXP Home Edition. Problem solved. X-Setup includes many other useful Windows XP tweaks / hacks / etc. for Windows XP as well, all free for personal use.